NLW Uprising 08, RP 3: Third Time Pays for All

The End of Nowhere
April 27, 2008, 6:45 a.m.

He was awake just before the sun rose, as seemed to be his custom.  Quietly he stood up, making certain not to disturb his guest sleeping on the hide-away bed folded out from the south wall of his cabin, and walked out to the large rock he always sat on when he needed to think through some things.

Sunrise...this was his time, that one time of the day where he felt that all might be right with the world.  The start of a new day that could lead to perhaps the dawn of a new hope...a new dream...a new legacy that would stand the test of time.  There were innumerable opportunities that branched away from this moment; all it took was the drive and the will to turn them from opportunity into reality.

Twice before, he had the chance to walk the golden road to glory in NLW.  Twice, he had been defeated by someone who wanted it just as much and had a stronger will to achieve it.  There was an old expression, the third time pays for all, which seemed quite apropos to the situation.  All he had to do was to make it happen in Atlanta, in one week’s time.

That led to the roadblock he would have to navigate:  Draco.  In these early morning hours, he could let his attention focus, before his guest awoke and the fecal matter hit the rotating blades.  Contrary to popular belief, he had heard the comments made by the so-called “Hellacious One.”  To a point, though...he had been right.

It took him a while to let that fact sink in, but he eventually concluded that Draco was right.  Yes, some of the things he had thought in regards to Draco’s moral character and personality were simply trite remarks...though in no means were they wrong.  It’s just that sometimes the truth hurts, and Draco seemed little more than a child, wanting to throw a hissy fit when someone tells him something he didn’t like.  He could picture the image of a smaller Draco with the same personality he had at the present (only magnified), and suddenly felt sorry for whoever Draco’s parents were.  They did not deserve that sort of Hell-on-Earth punishment.

As for his remark about “Midcarder Terrace” or whatever kind of rubbish he was spouting, only one prominent thought came to his mind.  If he was a midcarder (as Draco claimed him to be), then what did that say for Draco, who was being made to wrestle him?  What did that tell Draco about the management of NLW, who thought him only worthy enough to wrestle in the mid-card ranks?  It sounded to him like the pot calling the kettle black, and it rang hollow in his ears. 

Sure, he never claimed to be main-event material.  Most people in this industry are far from it.  But he was reliable; he always brought his best to the ring (which is far more than he could say for numerous others who had left NLW).  If that made him a midcarder, then so be it.  Better to be a steady midcard worker than a main-event wannabe prima donna.  He was beyond caring what his opponent thought.  By now nothing that Draco could say would throw him off his game.

Sighing, he stared off in the distance as the sun continued to rise.  He knew he had to enjoy these last few moments of peace while he could.  In just a couple of hours’ time, there would be retribution to dole out, as a meeting of the minds was scheduled to happen inside his cabin.  Erick Adams, the local sheriff for Harford County, would be leading the operation.  Chief John Lincoln would be with them as a representative of the Portland Police Bureau, the home jurisdiction for this case.  Assisting them, at his request, was Detective Elyssa Anderson from the Los Angeles Police—one of the few people he trusted implicitly in his life.

In short, there were plenty of law enforcement officers on hand to do the job right.  But he needed to see it happen, if only to finally close a chapter that should have been closed years ago.  He wanted nothing left to chance this time.  She would be the first step in fixing all of the issues he had been made to endure since returning to wrestling full-time in late January.  From there, like proverbial dominoes, the rest would fall, and all would make itself known.

Just like every journey, it was taking the first step that would be the problem.

Sighing again, he stood up and stretched a bit, knowing that Elyssa would be up soon and that the rest of the task force would be en route to this location within fifteen minutes.  That gave him an hour to prepare for things.  Walking back inside the cabin, he was greeted by the sight of Elyssa rising from the bed, checking her tools to make certain they were ready to go.  He smiled as he walked it and leaned against the wall.  “Mornin’.”

“Good morning, Will.  Ready for today?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be, which isn’t saying much.  I just needed some time this morning to clear some other thoughts out of my head.”

She simply nodded at this, understanding where he was coming from.  “Anything else you need to do this morning?”

“Well...besides take a lap around the property, not really.  I’ll do that later on; it would be rude to leave my guest alone.”

She chuckled at this, and stood up, gently taking his hand as she closed in.  “Soon, Will.”

Elyssa didn’t have to say another word.  He nodded, squeezed the hand once and turned to the door.  “Come on.  Let’s take a little bit of a stroll around this bleak place.  The walk will do our legs some good and kill a little bit of time.”

Silently, the two of them walked around the End of Nowhere for a while.  He pointed out some of the features to her during their travel, and at 8:00 they were within sight of the house that Brandy had been staying in.  Looking off to the east, he could see a line of unmarked cars making their way towards the access road to the End of Nowhere.  A slight smile on his face, he nudged Elyssa and pointed.  She nodded slightly, and without another word, the two of them made their way closer to the house.  As they approached the trees surrounding the house, she handed him a small digital voice recorder and walked back to the entrance to lead the incoming police force to the house in question.

He was alone, as he wanted to be, as he walked up to the house.  Noise was coming from within, and there was movement behind the curtains, so somebody was home.  Steeling himself for the imminent confrontation, he knocked on the door.

Five seconds turned into ten, and ten into twenty before she opened the door, looking a bit weary and worse for wear.  “Will, what are you doing here?”

“I came to ask you a couple of questions, Brandy.”

“Can’t this wait?  I have a flight I need to catch....”

“No.  It cannot wait.  It’s something I should have asked years ago.  Why?  Why string me along for so long, only to leave me in the manner you did?”

“You want the truth?  You think you can handle the truth?”

“Try me.”

Brandy chuckled at this as she turned away from him, allowing him entry.  “It’s real simple, Will.  Money and power.  When I got with you, you were becoming one of the fastest rising stars in LWF, and I wanted a part of that.  After they changed names, and then closed, I knew that it would never happen.  Face it, Will--you're really just a one-hit wonder.  Your career is never going to be what it was in the old days.  And worst of all, you’re too damn stubborn to realize it.  Welcome to reality, Will.  You are nothing more than a glorified failure.”

“And James isn’t?”

That seemed to strike a nerve as she whirled around to face him.  “You leave him out of this!”

“No.  You figure that the brother of a wrestler is better than a wrestler himself?  Brandy, with all due respect...what the fuck were you thinking?”

“It’s simple.  James was supposed to be the one to come into NLW.  Ice was training him, making certain he was ready to compete, but Ice’s greed got the best of him.  James should have gotten the Anarchy X title shot, and all of the accolades that Ice has right now.  If only those idiots in Portland would have pursued you like they were supposed to, we would not be having this conversation now, and James would be wearing the title belt he rightfully deserves!”

“So you were behind me getting hit in New Orleans?”

“I am.  I arranged it to happen, and it worked.  After all, you didn’t win the title and got beat by some woman.  That alone should prove something to you.”

Gotcha, Brandy.  “Oh, it does, Brandy.”

“Good!  It’s about time something got through that thick head of yours!”

“It proves that you’re guilty of conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to abduct, and a whole slew of other things.”

She laughed derisively at this.  “And how are you going to prove it, Will?”

“Oh, I’m not going to have anything to do with it.  I just wanted to know the answers for myself.  It’s them you’re going to have to deal with.”


At this, the back door of the house burst open and a swarm of police officers streamed into the house, weapons drawn as they began to search the place.  Sheriff Adams made a beeline towards him, with Chief Lincoln following immediately thereafter.  Behind him was a third person, whom Will did not recognize, and Elyssa brought up the rear of the small group.

Adams was first to speak.  “Will, it’s your call.  Are you willing to prosecute?”

His face turned cold as he stared at Brandy, the woman he had been willing to spend the rest of his life with at one point in time.  “I say to let her ass rot in jail, Chief.”

“Will, you can’t do this to me!”  She threw herself at him, hugging his knees as she began to shed tears.  “Please, don’t do this to me!”

“Brandy, you gave up your right to have me treat you decently when you told me you had slept with someone else right before our marriage.  I’ve tried to be civil since then, but arranging to have me run over is too much.  Now it’s your turn to live through the hell I’ve had to deal with.  Chief Lincoln,” he continued, turning to face the head of the Portland Police Bureau, “is the State of Oregon prepared to level additional charges against this woman for the acts she has committed?”

Lincoln looked at him, a countenance of surprise etched on his features.  “After everything else you’ve listened to, you’re asking me this?”

“I ask only as a law-abiding citizen.  My personal feelings do not amount to anything here.  Will your District Attorney press charges against Brandy Lynn McDonald?”

His curt nod had all the impact of an old-time executioner giving the thumbs-down.  “I’m certain that one Ice Man will be more than willing to prosecute.”

“Save some for us, as well,” said the newcomer.

Will turned to her.  “And you are?”

“Lynn Dixon, Chief of Police, New Orleans Police Department.  Detective Anderson got in touch with me in regards to this situation, and I think we can help with putting this pitiful excuse for a woman away for a long, long time.”

A slow grin crossed Will’s face as he bent his head to look at Brandy, who was still clinging to his knees.  “Brandy, I think I’ll leave you in the capable hands of these fine law enforcement officers.  Allow me one final piece of advice, unsolicited as it is.  Don’t drop the soap.  Sheriff, Chiefs...take her away.”

Between the three of them, they finally pried Brandy off of him and got the handcuffs on her.  As she was being dragged away, she was hurling obscenities at him, trying to provoke him without success.  The last sight Will had of Brandy was of her being dragged away, hands cuffed behind her back as she struggled to break free and escape the three heads of police.

Exhaling, he walked out back outside and leaned against one of the trees in the yard.  Elyssa followed him, and sat down next to him, staring out into the barren land.  “So, Will, what happens now?”

“Now, we relax for a couple of hours, and then it’s back to work for me.”

“How so?”

“Simple.  I still have a Legacy title match to prepare for.  For the first time in a long while, I will be able to focus without having other worries on my mind.  You?”

“Well...I think I need a change of pace.  L.A. is getting too bad.  I happen to have heard that there are numerous vacancies in the Harford County Sheriff’s Office; I’m thinking of transferring.”

That statement made him look up sharply.  “You mean...?”

“Yes, Will.  I will be needing a place to stay real soon.  You don’t happen to know anyone with a room or something for rent, would you?”

“As a matter of fact, Elyssa, I do know someone.  Come with me; I’ll fill you in on the way to the Sheriff’s Office.  In fact, I think you might know the person quite well....”

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