NLW Uprising 04, RP 1: A Shot of Brandy

*****The End of Nowhere:  February 27, 2008*****

He had spent the night here, sleeping on the ground with his rolled-up coat for a pillow.  He refused, however, to use the blanket that she has left for him two weeks ago despite the weather having taken a turn for the colder.  Instead, it was put away inside one of the multitude of folding storage areas he had built into the walls of the cabin itself.

As he sat facing the sun, the euphoria of his victory this past Sunday was nowhere to be found.  He was instead focused on what was to happen in just under three hours’ time, when he met up with his ex-fiancée in the place she had designed for herself on this land.

It was somewhere he hadn’t been in nearly two years.  There were too many painful memories in that place that he didn’t feel the need to face in that span.  He had no choice in the matter now, but he would see it through nonetheless.  Realizing that the sooner off he went, the better things would be come noon, he stood and began jogging in a southeasterly direction.

About ten minutes later, his destination was within sight.  This bungalow-in reality more like a small house-had the unique distinction of being the only place in the End of Nowhere that had leafy plants in growth.  As he neared, he saw that the trees (as expected) were barren, but knew that in the summer the two oak trees that sat on either side of the bungalow provided enough shade to cool down the interior.

Of course, the central air conditioning system could do that just as well, too.  When she designed the place she wanted for the both of them, she had all of the modern niceties put in-indoor plumbing, central heating and air, and so forth.  He insisted on having a cabin with none of the above, as he thought that it would help him focus and train for his matches.  Given his record in NLW after such a lengthy absence from the ring, he felt justified that his decision was the correct one.

He neared the front door, opening it enough to allow the air to filter out from the inside.  Figuring it wouldn’t hurt at all to refresh the air inside, he walked around the outside of the building, checking for damage and finding none, much to his surprise.  A few minutes later, he stepped inside, steeling his resolve for what lay within.

Inside lay the reminders of many a day in happier times.  Pictures of him with her lined the walls, both of them smiling.  Off to one side was her favorite chair to recline in, something she left behind when he had all but banished her from the End of Nowhere.  Beyond that, one could see the spare room she had set up as her training facility-mats, weighted bags, cardio equipment, free weights.  At one point, he had been teaching her the basics of technical wrestling as a counterpart to her standard women’s wrestling knowledge.  Of course, that was years ago, before everything hit the fan.

A closed door at the back of the hall led to their old bedroom.  Memories flashed in his mind from the happier times, when he would carry her into the room, laughing as they steadily got to the matter at hand.  Forcing them to the side, he turned and walked outside, noting that she would be arriving in two hours.  Until then, he had nothing but time on his hands.

*****Two hours later:  End of Nowhere, February 27, 2008*****

He saw the Sunfire long before it came to a stop next to his beat-up mongrel of a truck.  From his vantage point near the meeting site, he watched as she got out, a chill causing her to shiver for a brief moment before she shut her car door and looked around for a moment.  She then shrugged and began the walk to the house in the corner of the property.

He was standing just outside the door when she arrived five minutes later.  Almost immediately, he felt tension in the air as she gazed upon him in that moment.  For the briefest of moments, he actually felt a pang of sadness for what could have been, but no longer could be.  Then, silent as the grave, he stepped aside, allowing her into the house they once shared together.

She shrugged off her coat and sat promptly in the recliner, while he elected to remain standing.  Thirty seconds passed, and not a word was said until he finally spoke.  “So, what is so damn important that you had to seek me out like this, Brandy?  What could possibly force you into this?”

She was silent for a few moments, trying to gather her thoughts before she spoke.  “This isn’t easy for me either, Will.  I’ve tried everything to keep from having to see you like this, but to no avail.”

“How about doing us both a favor, and skip to the relevant part.  This is not the time for pleasantries.”

Her eyes widened at this, and he thought he could almost see the tears welling up in her eyes as she spoke.  “I…I need someplace to stay.  I have nowhere else I can go except here.”

“And that means what to me?”

“It means however you want it to mean, Will.  But I’m technically still the owner of this parcel of land where this house sits.  That deal we made with each other, remember?”

He did, in fact.  The pair of them were able to get this land cheap because nothing would grow on it.  Because he put in more money than she did on the purchase, the land was split into two parcels.  The majority of it went to him, with one small section going to her to be developed as she liked.  The entire plot was still commonly known as “The End of Nowhere,” and that’s how it remained to this day.  When they had separated, they had agreed that she would retain ownership of her parcel of land and the payment of its’ upkeep, but would live somewhere else unless she had nowhere else to go or unless she gave him enough notice to prepare to deal with her.

“OK…so why hunt me down in Minneapolis to surprise me outside the arena?  Why intrude on me in my sleep to leave blankets and notes?”

“Because…I know what I did to you was wrong, and if I know you half as well as I think I do, you’re still feeling the pain from it.  But I have nowhere else to go, and to intrude on you is akin to putting you through a torture chamber.  I thought you might want to be warned.”

He fell silent for a moment, digesting this news.  “Fine.  I cannot stop you anyway, but if you’re coming back here, let’s get something clear.  I don’t want you coming to my other residence at any point.  I don’t want to be coming over here, nor do I want you to be a frequent visitor at my cabin.  The less contact we have, the better.  As you’ve seen, I’ve revived my career, and am doing well so far.  I do not want anything or anyone messing it up.  Are we clear on this?”

She simply nodded, her face adopting a look of utter sadness as she softly said, “So there is to be no hope for us, then?”

“’Us’ died two years ago when you told me what you’d done just two days before our wedding, Brandy.  ‘Us’ died when you told me of your infidelity.  There is no ‘us’ any longer, and you’d do well to remember that.”

“I…”  She fell silent, searching for the words she wanted to say.  “Will….”

“Brandy, just save it.  What could you possibly say that would make me feel any better?”

Once again, silence was his answer, this time marred with the sight of tears falling from her brown eyes.  “As I thought.  You know my conditions.  Keep to them and we will not have any problems.”

He turned to walk away from her, his heart closing the door on their past.  He didn’t know how long this would last, but as long as she respected his wishes, he thought he would be able to manage.

And if that failed…well, that anger he found last week wouldn’t be too hard to dredge up again given the circumstances….

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