NLW Uprising 06, RP 1: Calling in a Favor

On board Delta Flight 142 (Houston to Baltimore)
March 24, 2008, 12:49 a.m.

Try as he might, he could not believe what had just happened.  In one night, he avenged his only defeat in NLW and at the same time earned himself a shot at the biggest prize in the federation.  To say that he was thrilled would be a gross understatement...if it were true.

Instead, he was on the first plane he could catch back to Baltimore.  That one segment he saw during Uprising wasn’t doing his anxiety any good, considering the surroundings of it.  A barren land, a small building in the distance, a can of was easy to assume the worst, and it was better to be safe than sorry in his case.  Someone seemed ready to torch his cabin at the End of Nowhere, and he wanted to make sure it was still intact.  His phone calls to her, asking her to check the area out for any problems, all went to voice mail.  This was unsettling, to say the least.

Looking out the window, he tried to make himself push that thought aside for the time being--after all, there wasn’t much he could do from here at the moment.  Instead, he tried to focus himself and look ahead to his next challenge:  the NLW Champion.  He wasn’t taking anything for granted against Xavier Lux; the man was a three-time NLW Champion, after all.  In addition, the things Lux had gone through in life made his own seem incredibly tame by comparison.

He would be the first to admit that he hadn’t been set up for numerous assassination attempts, especially with his father being the hitman.  No, he had lived a rather sedentary life prior to returning to wrestling.  His break-up with Brandy would likely have been the most trying time for him outside the squared circle.  While not life-threatening, per se, it was still a tough time for him.

A year later, he had gotten his life back on track, had revived his once-dormant wrestling career, and had once again started to make a name for himself in this world of professional wrestling.  He had forgotten, however, the lengths that some people would go to in order to secure a win.  The recent kidnapping of The Ice Man and his family, in addition to his own home being vandalized, was akin to a bucket of ice water thrown on him, to bring him back to reality.

Then there were others in NLW who made the books of Stephen King, R.A. Salvatore, and Robert Jordan seem like children’s tales.  While he had always been a fan of those particular genres of stories, to see them lived was something he had not come to terms with.  With the passing of each new week, he had come to realize that he was a rarity in this federation--someone who was for all intents and purposes a “normal” person.

However, there would be a later time to contemplate those thoughts.  The soft chime of a bell announced that the flight was nearing an end, and he forced himself to the matter at hand.  Depending on how fast he could get out of BWI-Thurgood Marshall, he could be checking his cabin in a little under an hour.  He just hoped for the best.


The End of Nowhere
March 24, 2008, 2:32 a.m.

The absence of the tell-tale orange glow of fire gave him room to hope just a bit more, as he would have seen it coming off of state highway 22.  His hopes increased as he reached the access road and pulled onto it, bypassing his usual parking place and instead driving the truck through the property, across the barren land and parking it near the front door of the still-intact cabin.  Working by the light of the nearly-full moon, he made a quick search around the cabin area, and found nothing that would indicate that anyone had been nearby.

Slowly, he walked to the cabin and opened the front door.  The inside did not appear to be changed in any way, and what few things he kept in the hide-away partitions within the walls of the cabin had not been disturbed.  His paranoia reaching new plateaus, he walked back outside, the chilly night air causing goosebumps to sprout on his unprotected arms.  Someone was obviously trying to play mind games with him.  Could it be the Ice Man, in retaliation for something that he never did?  Could it be Triple M, as payback for beating him a few hours ago?  Or could it even be the brainchild of the champion, Xavier Lux, trying to throw his opponent off his mental edge and cause him to lose focus this close to reaching the summit?

Whatever the case may be, he was tired of these games.  His time was nigh, and he would be ready regardless of whatever else was thrown at him.  In any event, he was drained from the events of the previous 24 hours, so it came as no surprise to him that he was fast asleep within three minutes of stretching out on the earthen floor of his cabin.


Undisclosed Location
March 24, 2008, 2:45 a.m.

I’ll admit, I’m surprised that he’s managed to hold his own so far.  I expected him to fail within a month, and now he’s the number one contender to the promotion’s champion.  It must be said, he’s just like his namesake--he refuses to just die and make things easy for the rest of us.  Kidnapping didn’t work to motivate one of his opponents, we might have over-motivated Will with the vandalism...what else could we possibly do to derail his momentum short of full-blown arson?

No matter what we have tried, nothing has worked.  I’ve just about run out of ideas, and turning to my cohort, I ask, “What’s next?  What can we possibly do in order to bring about his downfall?”

He only smiles at me, and leans close, whispering in my ear as I shudder in excitement.  A moment later the mental light bulb goes off, and a grin as cold as the Arctic in the dead of winter crosses my face.

“I like it,” I purr as I lean in to kiss him.  “And he’ll never know what hit him....”


Residence of William Prydor
March 24, 2008, 12:45 p.m.

After a fitful night of sleep, plagued by visions of burning buildings and vandalized property, he was back in his primary residence, newly re-furnished during his trip to Houston for the most recent Uprising.  After an extensive tour to make sure that everything was as it was supposed to be, he walked into the screening room, preparing the scouting tapes for his next opponent.  At least this time he would have plenty of footage to look over, given that Xavier Lux had been a part of nearly every Uprising held in this run of NLW, and thus had plenty of match footage to look over.

In the back of his mind, he knew that Venom’s problems in his past could possibly be the turning point in this match.  After all, if he was worried about a possible blindside attack, he could be distracted enough to lose the match.  He was hesitant to go this route just to gather information, but he had a few people in the City of Angels who owed him a favor or two.  A little more insight into the background of the reigning champion certainly would not be amiss...and with this much at stake, it probably would be an excellent idea.  Reaching a mental conclusion, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed.  It was nearly ten o’clock on the west coast; should be no reason his contact would be unavailable.

“LAPD Homicide, Anderson.”

“’s Will Prydor.”

“The dragon watches--"

“--but never rises.”  He was glad she remembered that.  Working as a homicide detective, it helped to make sure that he was the real deal, and for that he was thankful.

“Will, glad to hear from you.  I’ve been watching you the last two months; you’ve definitely gotten back into the fighting spirit you had during your LWF days.”

“Glad to hear that someone’s been watching.  I know you’re at work, so I’ll be brief.  I need some information, and I’d rather talk to you when there’s plenty of time to say what I need to say and fill you in on everything I’ve seen these last two months.”

“Is it that bad?”

“I’m not certain yet.  I need the opinion of someone detached from the day-to-day workings of my life.  When would be the best time for you?”

“I’m actually getting ready to go to New Orleans for a conference.  I’ll be arriving on Wednesday evening, and staying until Sunday.  I should have some time free then.”

“Good.  Our next event will be in New Orleans, so I’ll just leave early from here and meet you there.  I can work around your schedule, so name your time and place.”

“All right, Will.  I’ll get in touch with you once things get situated.”  With that, she disconnected the call as he turned to stare out the window at the Baltimore skyline.  His gaze fell over Oriole Park at Camden Yards and only for a brief moment did he let his mind wander to walking onto the field, with the NLW Championship over his shoulder to throw out the ceremonial first pitch for a home game.

Then, shaking his head, he went back into the screening room.  He had a title match to prepare for.

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