NLW Uprising 12, RP 2: Old Demons Return

The End of Nowhere:  June 25, 2008, 5:47 a.m.

It seems strange to believe that five months ago, I was a newcomer to NLW.  Everyone else knew of each other and had competed against one another in federations all over.  I was the lone man out; no one knew who I was or what I was capable of.

Looking back on that first show from Milwaukee, it seems almost fitting that two of the only three people who were on that show that are still making an impact on nearly every Uprising since are facing off in a match.  Seems odd (or perhaps a bit sad)  to think that of all the active wrestlers that appeared on NLW's first Uprising of this run--even if they weren't active wrestlers at the time--only three remained.

The current NLW Champion, The Ice Man.

The former NLW Commissioner turned active wrestler, Harvey Danger.

And some fat guy from the End of Nowhere who people said would not last a month in NLW after a long hiatus from the business.

There's something to be said for proving people wrong.  But right now, I have other issues to deal with.

Namely, the aforementioned Mr. Danger.  As I mentioned before, I have nothing against Harvey.  It's just when the bell rings, everything gets thrown out the window.  You either win or you lose based on your skills.  And based off the skills he showed in his match against Draco, I will admit to being a tad worried.  He's proven that he can hang with the best of them…and I know I'm not quite at that level yet.  I cannot afford to take Harvey lightly, despite what many others might think.

Besides, I have no intentions of losing now.  Come Uprising, I will see it done once again.  And I will roll into the Legacy title match ready to finally shut the critics--and that ass Jake Steel--up once and for all.

These were the thoughts that floated through his mind as he made his usual morning run around the End of Nowhere.  He passed by his cabin, making certain that everything was still in order (well, as much order as you can make out of nothing) before crossing to the southeastern part of the land.  Although Elyssa was still at work, he figured her to be home within half an hour, and he wanted to make certain that things were ready for her.  She had mentioned that there had been a series of crimes occur that seemed linked, and looked eerily similar to some she saw while on the force in Los Angeles.

Shaking those unpleasant thoughts from his head, Will set himself to getting things ready.  Sure enough, just as he finished putting the final touches on breakfast, he heard a car pull up to the house.  A flash of emerald green out of the corner of his eyes let him know that it indeed was Elyssa returning home, and a smile crossed his face.  A moment later, he heard the front door open and he turned, the breakfast tray in his hands as Elyssa stumbled in and flopped on one of the chairs.

"Rough night, dear?"

"That's just the half of it.  I think I'm being put in charge of this case I mentioned to you."

"That's a good thing though, to have someone experienced running the show…right?"

"Not necessarily.  I can't say anything else right now; my mind has shut down on me.  I need what you are holding in your hands."

Will set the tray down as Elyssa tore into the food with gusto.  While she ate, he stared out into the main portion of the End of Nowhere, a ribbon of black asphalt and the distant outline of his cabin the only two points of interest marking the bleak landscape.  In the back of his mind, he could envision this place covered in wildflowers, with trees dotting the landscape, and not for the first time wondered why this land would not support growth.

"…Will, are you listening to me?"

He literally jumped and turned to face her, blushing slightly.  "Sorry, dear, I was lost in thought for a moment."

Her eyes narrowed, but otherwise there was no reaction.  "I asked, 'What did you have planned for today?'  Seeing as that I am off tonight, I was thinking we could go out and do something."

He smiled.  "So far as I know, nothing.  I was going to swing by my place since I haven't been there in a day or two to make sure it's still in one piece--and also to let you get your rest while I am out--but beyond that I have nothing in mind."

"Will…who said anything about me resting right now?"

Anything else he would have said was lost in that moment, as Elyssa smiled.

Residence of William Prydor (Baltimore, Maryland):  June 25, 2008, 11:19 a.m.

His wits finally back about him, Will pulled into his driveway and killed the motor on his truck.  At first glance, it seemed as if there was nothing amiss.  The same thought continued as he opened the front door and walked inside.  Everything looked to be in order, except for the blinking red light on the answering machine.  As he hit the button, the female mechanical voice informed him that he had four new messages.

The first two were telemarketers for the Baltimore Sun, which he erased quickly.  The third was another call from the vampires of the United States.  No, not the IRS…the American Red Cross, bugging him to donate blood again.  He shook his head as he erased that message.

The last message, though, sent a chill through his body.  "Will…your father's going into the hospital.  He's had a relapse.  I'll call you when I know more."

That voice belonged to someone who, while he might not see eye to eye with her or even like her at all, he felt obligated to at least listen to…for the time being.  The woman on the other end of the line was his father's wife.  His father, Donald Prydor, was a Vietnam and Korea veteran from the 82nd Airborne Division, and a cancer survivor.  Apparently the cancer had more to say about the situation.

He always thought that his father made a mistake in marrying again after Donald divorced Will's mother.  The elder Prydor remarried in July of '96, and for twelve years Will had slowly distanced himself from his father, mainly due to that marriage.

However, some things were more important than trivial grudges.

The timestamp on that last message was two hours ago.  Shaking his head, Will began to wonder just how well Elyssa would take to hearing that plans might have been changed….

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