NLW Uprising 13, RP 1: Family Feud

University of Maryland Medical Center (Baltimore, Maryland)
June 27, 2008

It had been a long time--over seven years, if his memory served him correctly--since he had been inside this place.  The last time was on Thanksgiving Day of 2000, when his father underwent surgery to remove his larynx and some of his lymph nodes that had been overrun by cancer.  The result of the surgery left his father cancer-free, but unable to speak in his own voice any longer.  In the time span since the surgery, he had almost forgotten what his father's natural voice sounded like, and the only reminder he would have is if he listened to his own.  A lot of people said that he sounded so much like his father that it was uncanny.  He could never tell the similarities between the two, to be honest.

There were quite a few in his family who said that Will had the looks of his father when he was young.  But as crossed the threshold into room 408, he would be hard-pressed to agree with them.

His father lay asleep in the bed, looking a bit wan.  He was half his normal size (and like Will, Mr. Prydor was by nature a big man), and seemed to be severely weakened.  A lump formed in Will's throat as he walked towards the bed, and sat down next to his father.  He had asked Elyssa to let him do this on his own, and she agreed to it, knowing the history between the two.  Now, as he watched his father sleeping restlessly, Will closed his eyes in deep thought.  He knew his father had to be tired of holding on, of dealing with the pain he had endured over the last few years in addition to the memories of 'Nam that he knew were always lurking beneath the surface.

Will's reverie came to a screeching halt as his stepmother, Tammy Prydor (nee Williams) came into the room behind him.  He didn't have to look to tell it was her.  The smell of stale cigarette smoke alone was enough to give it away.  A moment later, she said, "So I see that you do have a conscience after all."

Her tone of voice was always enough to get under his skin.  He knew she was trying to get a rise out of him, as she always did.  However, what she failed to realize is that for one of the rare times in his life, Will was genuinely pissed off.  So she was a bit shocked when he replied, "Well, at least I have one.  I don't continue to smoke around a guy who has already suffered from cancer once, and can't help to protect himself when he breathes.  You've never bothered to think about that, have you?"

"I hardly think this is the time--"

"I think it is.  When do you think it's going to be time to talk about this?  When your fucking habit has killed him?"

"Don't you dare speak to me in that type of language!"

"I'll dare if I want to.  I know for a fact that you hate my guts.  Given how often I was called a 'lazy good-for-nothing bastard son of my father' by you, I know all too well what you think of me.  And yet it's ironic that it's your bastard son who is always in trouble with the law and is nearly getting himself killed."

"You leave my son out of this, you overweight pompous ass!"

At this, Will shot up from the chair and stood in front of his stepmother.  He towered over her by a good foot or so, and stared down at her.  "No.  You listen to me, and you listen good.  I know you hate me.  The feeling is mutual.  The only reason I have tried to remain civil to you for as long as I have is because of that man laying there in the hospital bed.  But enough is enough.  You can curse me until you're blue in the face, but I refuse to let you walk all over the both of us because you think that you are beyond the courtesy of common sense.  I know, without even asking, how this happened.  It's because you are still smoking after you saw what happened to him, and it's affecting him even worse than it did before.

"For one who always wants to harp on the truth, Tammy…let's face it right now.  He is lying in that bed because of your actions, and so help me if he passes on from your actions, you're going to wish you never heard of me.  They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…I say bullshit.  A woman scorned is nothing next to what I'm going to be like if you piss me off any more.  That is no bullshit wrestling promo line, no cliché statement, nothing like that.  It is the truth, and you would be wise for once in your pathetic life to listen."

Tammy's face was beet red, and she looked like she was about to explode in Will's face when a synthetic voice spoke from behind Will.

"That's…enough, you two."

Spinning on his heels, Will turned around to see his father trying to sit up further in the bed.  Gently, he walked over and helped Donald Prydor get in position, while Tammy sat on the chair Will had recently vacated.  Once everything was settled, the elder Prydor spoke again, making certain to take a breath every few words.

"Tammy…Will is right.  I heard everything.  Your smoking…needs to stop now."

Will refused to let a look of "I told you so" cross his face as his stepmother looked at his father.  "But, how can you say that?"

"How can you…always choose to…support your asshole son?"

She wasn't expecting that to come out, and she looked as if she had been literally slapped in the face.  Donald turned to Will.  "I know you…have a match in…New York against…that Danger guy.  Go get him."

Will nodded, and took his father's hand, once large and powerful but now a mere shadow of what it once was.  "I will.  And after him, I will be bringing a title home to us."

"If you don't choke again," came the muttered reply from Tammy.

Will looked up briefly, and then turned his attention back to his father as the elder man said, "I know you…have a flight…to catch.  Make me proud."

Will nodded once again and stood up, walking by his stepmother as he left.  As he passed, he muttered, "I'd rather choke, and be free and clean, than be the mother to a drug-addicted bastard jailbird.  Guess I'm the winner after all."  He walked out before she could make a reply.  For once, let her sit for a while and stew over something he had said.

Hell, he might actually be surprised if she put some honest thought into everything.


Residence of William Prydor (Baltimore, Maryland)
July 7, 2008, 2:19 a.m.

My body is sore.  I am in pain all over.  I almost feel like I am at the end of my endurance after the match last night in New York.  But as I step into my shower, I realize that I cannot afford to stop now.  Not with this match on the horizon…one that I have been waiting to have for two months.

I made the mistake once before, on May 4 of this year, of thinking too lightly about my opponent.  The result is that I lost my third title match in NLW and gained a reputation thanks to some annoying dick at ringside.  In thirteen days, I get a chance to rectify that.

Draco, you had better bring your best ranting and raving to the party this time.  I'm not about to underestimate you yet again.  You can bring back your snide comments about how I'm not original in my trash-talking and your parables about the Three Phoenixes if you want.  I highly doubt you can find something better than that, anyway.

The point is, when you dropped me with that superkick on June 22, you woke up a part of me that I had not felt since my match against the Ice Man, and we all know what happened that night.  What happened to Aph and Buford at the tag tournament will be as nothing compared to what you're about to go through.

You've said that you're used to the abuse, that you can take more than most mortals and still press on.  Still, I'm led to wonder.  How long can you last in the Blaze of Glory, Draco?  I have a feeling that at Uprising, we're going to find out.

This time, history will show a different result.  The Phoenix will rise triumphant.  And a new Legacy will begin in NLW.  No one--not you, not Harvey, and certainly not Society--are going to stop me this time.

I will see it done to the very end, by any means necessary.

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